In a world where life generally boils down to the numbers- number of albums sold, number of awards won, number of dates
played and tickets sold- a very different kind of number stands out for the members of Christian Rock Group BarlowGirl-
40 million, representing the number of lives silenced since the legalization of abortion.
That staggering number drives a band who often serves as a voice of their generation to also speak up on behalf of a voiceless generation, a generation of unborn lives.
"We've killed 1/3 of our generation. We are survivors of the greatest holocaust in history," the band says. "We believe God has given us platform for such a time as this."
The three sisters from Chicago are putting out a call to action for themselves and their fans by partnering in a nationwide movement called Never Silence Life.
Never Silence Life is a silent, peaceful prayer movement held January 22, 2009 where pro-life supporters are encouraged to gather in front of courthouses, schools and churches all across America to pray for the lives of the unborn. Supporters are asked to wear tape across their mouths with the word "Life" written on it as a symbol of their silence and commitment to peacefully petition the government for change.
January 22 marks the 36th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the legislation that legalized abortion.
"America is being deprived of amazing individuals who would be a vital asset to our country: engineers, scientists, artists, world leaders, friends, mothers, fathers, teachers and theologians," Dominique Labonte, the co-founder of Never Silence Life, says. "We are doing this to get the attention of other Christians and also the attention of the government to let them know that the unborn still do have a voice. That 'voice' is people willing to stand in the gap for them."
The band who wrote hits like "Never Alone" and "Million Voices" hopes millions of voices across the country will use theirs to impact the destiny of future unborn lives.
"We've turned a blind eye and shut our ears to the reality of what abortion is," the band says. "We feel, as children of God, every single one of us is responsible to be a voice for this, whether we have a platform or not. We can't deny it anymore. We felt now is the time to be involved. "
While the band will be in Washington, D.C. for the March for Life on Jan. 22, they are asking people to get involved by organizing silent prayer gatherings in their communities, mobilizing people to use their own personal platform to make a difference on behalf of the unborn.
"We are calling everyone to get involved however you can. Get groups together at your churches, at your schools, at your jobs and go to the local courthouses and pray. You don't need a national platform to do this."
At the end of the day, the movement's ultimate goal is to impact change in a positive, peaceful way, believing change is best brought about through respectful, loving petition rather than judgment.
"Our goal is not to be condemning, but to be encouraging and loving. This is a movement of love, not a movement of condemnation."
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